Meditation. Meditating in the midst of nature is another way to amplify the positive effects of the environment around you. Meditation and mindfulness are great for calming the mind by bringing your attention to the present moment. You don’t have to have a blank mind to enjoy the benefits of meditation ; you simply need to keep an eye on your mind and bring it back to a state of attention when it starts to wander.
Yoga. Yoga asanas are great for getting your body moving without much effort. Being in nature is an activity that engages both body and mind. By doing yoga mindfully, you bring your focus back to your body rather than your thoughts, which encourages your body to return to its natural state.
Contemplate at the stars, the Moon. As it waxes and wanes throughout the month, the Moon reminds us of the rhythms of nature, while the stars give us a sense of perspective.
Conscious breathing (body scan).
Biomimicry. Nature, our best source of inspiration ? Biomimicry is the process of drawing inspiration from nature to create or innovate. The living world has answers for us to create a more resilient, regenerative, and beautiful world. It is time to quiet our intelligence, observe and listen deeply, and reconnect with the wisdom of nature by asking : « How does nature solve this? »
Chromatherapy. Color therapy has been known for a long time. Our cells, composed of atoms, enter into vibrational resonance with these light frequencies and find true harmony. Our body transmits the beneficial properties of each color by its simple irradiation.
Art. Music, Singing, Painting, Sculpture, etc. Creativity is a receptive process and being in nature fosters receptivity. When you are in a state of relaxation you can see things from another perspective and open yourself to new ideas.
« Art takes its models from nature » – Aristotle.
Observation of flora and fauna.
Cooking a healthy and delicious home-cooked meal.
Manufacturing of food, beverage and household products.