
introduction to permaculture

Permaculture strategies vary from place to place, but the universal aspect lies in its ethical principles and design principles, which have been evolving for 30 years and which make it easier for us to plan, develop, organize and maintain sustainable systems.

Sustainable development to meet human needs, within ecological limits, requires a cultural revolution greater than any of the tumultuous changes of the last century. Permaculture design and action over the last quarter century have shown that this revolution is complex and multifaceted. As we continue to learn from past successes or failures, the emerging world of energy decline will adopt many permaculture strategies and techniques as the natural and obvious ways to live within ecological limits once well-being is reduced. On the other hand, energy decline will require real-time responses to new situations and gradual adaptation of existing inadequate systems, as well as the best of creative innovation applied to the most ordinary and small design problems. All this must be achieved without the large budgets and infrastructures associated with current industrial innovation. Permaculture design principles can never replace practical experience and relevant technical knowledge. However, they offer a framework for the generation and continuous evaluation of site- and situation-specific solutions needed to overcome the limited successes of sustainable development and move towards a reunification of culture and nature.

We will explore the principles and different techniques to adapt to each situation (soil, climate, surface, time and financial means to dedicate, etc.):

  • The Principles of Permaculture.
  • How to achieve Permaculture Design (preparations, design, implementation and maintenance, reassess if necessary).
  • And also other methods such as Farm Biointensively by Ecology Action and Forest Garden by Martin Crawford.
  • Las Cabañas de Las Lomas as an example and harvest to share a lunch with a homemade drink.

Duration : 3 hours (from 10 to 13 hours).
Price : $600 pesos… Free for children under 12.

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